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Growing up on Long Island in a family very active in the church It shouldn’t surprise anyone that most of my friends and activities centered around church life. I never felt at home in school. But Church was like a second skin to me. I remember at about age 10 or 11 seeing a puppet show put on by two visiting missionary ladies that stirred in me to give my heart to the Lord. Although I knew I was “saved” at the time and was later baptized, it wasn't until my college years that I was challenged in my faith and began to really understand what it meant to be a Christian.


At age 21 I married and by the time I turned 29, we had four children. I now am blessed to have eleven grandchildren. I had gone to college more because it was expected of me then that I really knew what I wanted in life. And that was the problem. I was directionless. So, after two years of school I decided that since Jesus was a carpenter, it was a noble trade and I would do the same. And just like that my career was decided. I began work as an apprentice for a cabinet maker learning the trade, then moved on to sales and design and for the last 40+ years have been a kitchen designer.

But I have always been drawn to writing. Whether poems, stories or songs.  In fact, I remember as a boy creating a comic book about the Adventures of a Queen Ant… I was into ants at the time and have since written numerous poems, stories, songs and musical compositions.

Presently (although "presently" is a relative term since I started this project over 35 years ago) I am working on a larger 16 book epic: The Eldranaal Tryptic – the Story of a Universe, of which Wind Rider is book 8.

After two failed marriages I thought God was done with me; I was a hopeless cause that God had put on a shelf. But I have since come to understand, God is a God of second and third chances and He still has a purpose for me to fulfill. ​

I am also pitching a ballet/operetta I composed for the stage about 9/11 entitled: Ascent of Souls - a 9/11 Lament. This work transcends anything I have done before. It came from a place deep within me and far above me. It is beyond anything I could have written with my limited musical abilities, so I believe God has a higher purpose for the piece.

Publications include writing the script for the 64-page graphic novel, Vladimir, Prince of Russia, published by Kingstone Comics, 2011. Writer for a 6-page short story called, The 40 as part of a comic book anthology: Martyrs, published by Kingstone Comics, 2010. Self-published an epic poem: The Girl with Sad Green Eyes, and a children’s book: It’s Christmas Morning.

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